We the People Convention
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We are dedicated to acting in defense of personal Freedom, Liberty and Prosperity and of the Constitution of the United States of America. We are committed to finding and following the truth in all things that affect our lives and those of our families and communities. We are fully committed to doing everything in our power to make our communities, our states, our nation, and the world a better place by supporting individual rights, free trade, capitalism, free speech, and religious freedom.
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We the People Convention News & Opinion Podcast 2-12-22

This Week’s Topics:
Jan 6th Prisoner Protest in DC 2/23/22 3:30
Reasonable to Beat Boyland to Death?? 6:30
Video Report from Canada 15:00
Trudeau moves to end Strike with Force 21:00
Powerful word from Canadian Pastor 24:00
Keep up the Election Integrity Efforts! 39:30
“Sue to Blue” rigging 2022 Elections 42:30
Polls force Dems to Pivot 180 on Covid 54:00
Parents Suing School Board Members 57:30
Study Shows Natural Immunity Lasts 60:00
What is the REAL Death toll of Covid? 64:00
Feds did Lie about January Jobs Report 69:30
Inflation is REAL Joe 71:00
Video: Dem Supporter Quits the Left 75:00
Dem Policy Pushing Hispanics to Right 80:00
Republican Lawmakers Targeted by Feds 85:00
Hysteria over War with Russia is Phony 89:30
Problems with Trump Endorsements 93:00

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WPTC 10-8-22 Podcast is Now LIVE!

The Newest 10-8-22 We the People Convention News & Opinion Podcast is now LIVE! Please watch/listen and share it. Have a good weekend! Tom Zawistowski

We the People Convention News & Opinion 3-26-22

Learn how the Biden and Trump Investigations are linked in the July 29th We the People Convention News & Opinion Podcast! Click the link to Watch/Listen/Share: https://wethepeopleconvention.org/Podcast-Player-Page

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For those who are feeling a little down and concerned about the future Tom Z Coaches you up and helps you focus on winning and not on the noise & propaganda! Watch this week's (7-22-23) We the People Convention News & Opinion Podcast! Then share it!

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Under Guise of Climate Hoax Leftist in US Government Continue to Attack YOUR ability to Protect Yourself and Your Family. Biden Admin Wants to Ban Gas Generators Now!

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